Lipostar 2 is a comprehensive, vendor-neutral software for LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics (DDA and DIA), which includes a large number of features including: raw data import and peak detection, identification, quantification, statistical analysis, trend analysis and biopathways analysis.
Lipostar 2 finds application in untargeted and semi-targeted lipidomics, including stable isotope labelling experiments. Within a Lipostar session, different modes of lipidomics analysis can be combined to increase knowledge and obtain a more comprehensive analysis of lipid profiles.
Key Features

- The DB Manager module that enables the generation of databases of fragmented lipids by applying fragmentation rules provided by the software or by importing experimental MS/MS data
- A flexible lipid identification approach that includes:
- a spectral matching approach
- high-throughput bottom-up approach, based on class-specific fragment recognition
- high-throughput identification of oxidized species.
- A gap-filler algorithm to reduce missing values
- Various plots to visualize and refine identification results
- Various multivariate statistical analysis tools
- Lipid pathways
Enhancements in Lipostar 2
Data Processing
- More instruments supported. Now Lipostar 2 reads the most common file formats:
- Agilent Q-Tof(*.d): AutoMS and full scan at multiple energies of collision (All Ions).
- Waters (*.raw): MSe, HDMSe, DDA, and MSMS, SONAR
- Thermo-Fisher (*.RAW): Ion-Trap and Orbitrap, Exactive, Q-Exactive, DDA and AIF
- ABSCiex *.wiff file format.
- Bruker (*.d): QTof, FT-ICR, TIMS-TOF data dependent scan.
- Shimadzu (*.lcd): QTof
- Data processing can be run in the background.
Data Analysis
- Trend analysis for global lipid profiling

- New fragmentation rules for automatic lipid identification
- Lipid database generation from in-house data
- Improved adduct and in source fragmentation clustering
- Customized adducts support
- Transfer of identification results to submatrices
- Kendrick mass defect plot
- Use of Waters CCS values for identification scores
- New handling of adduct information
Lipid pathways
- Updated and new biopathways maps available (metabolism & disease)
Cross-talk with other software
- Connection to LipidLynxX for lipid annotation
- connection to LPPTiger for in depth identification of oxidized species
- 14 updated and new tutorials are available
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Lipostar, a Comprehensive Platform-Neutral Cheminformatics Tool for Lipidomics.
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